National Competition in Representation in Commercial Mediation


Tbilisi State University National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution announces registration for Georgian Universities’ Law Faculty Student Groups for participation in National Competition in the Representation of Commercial Mediation. The Competition will be held in English. 


The Competition is organized by Tbilisi State University National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution (NCADR) in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), South Texas College of Law (STCL), East West Management Institute (EWMI) and it’s program “The Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerment Project” (JILEP).


The goal of the National Competition is to promote popularization of Alternative Dispute Resolution, to inform Georgian students about the institute of mediation, to provide their involvement in the ongoing changes in the Georgian legislation.


National Competition will be held on 27-28 April, with the leadership of STCL professors Catherine Greene Burnett and Kimberlee Kovach. On 24-25 April training will be held in mediation aiming at the preparation of the participant student groups for the competition. The students will enquire the client representation skills in mediation process. Both the students and the coaches have equal obligation to participate in the training.


Georgian mediators of court annexed mediation who have the international accreditation of British Organization – Center For Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR ) will be involved  and serve as volunteer judges and mediators in the National Competition of Representation in Commercial Mediation.


Every Georgian Higher Education Institution is authorized to register one group consisting of 3 or 4 Bachelor or Master Law students and one coach for participation in the National Competition. Those students who have already participated in the 2012 Competition are not allowed to be registered. 


Groups can be registered on the following e-mail of TSU National Center for ADR: apply.ncadr@tsu.ge.


Please, completely fill the application, sign and send the scanned form of it on the above mentioned e-mail.


Not fully submitted applications will not be accepted!


The deadline for submission of the application is no later than April 3, 2013. Furthermore, the registration will be ceased even before the appointed day as soon as  8 groups are successfully registered. The end of the registration will be officially announced on the website of TSU National Center for ADR: www.ncadr.tsu.ge


After submitting the application the registered group does not have right to cancel the registration and withdraw the application form, because participation of 8 groups is an essential precondition for organizing the competition.


The winner of the Competition will be granted with the symbolic gifts and will be sent to Paris together with coach for participation in the International Commercial Mediation Competition organized by the International Chamber of Commerce. All the participants of the Summer School and Competition will be granted with the relevant certificates.


For the further information please contact us on the number: +995 577 28 24 36.